Once upon a time, I casually went out & about in the world, perusing stores, teaching classes, & getting coffee, armed only with a Bath & Body mini hand sanitizer in a fluffy black cat holder clipped to my purse.
That me— the one whose biggest global contemplation was Meghan & Harry ditching their royal lifestyle—feels I should be using this time of social distancing wisely.
For example, I could do any or all of the following:
Our taxes (aka weeping as I scour the house for all the crumpled papers to give the accountant).
The mail. 2 to 6 useless pieces of mail arrive daily & accumulate into dozens of little postal mountains all over the kitchen counter until being panic-stuffed into a drawer prior to the arrival of a visitor. Low estimate of current junk mail count is 1 bajillion trillion zillion.
Photos/Memorabilia. The Rubbermaid containers stuffed with photos, artwork, & homework stacked in my garage aren’t going to sort themselves, people! What if my high school Spanish homework is never properly scrapbooked? Or my daughter’s hand print decorated like a Thanksgiving turkey from kindergarten? Now that I think about it, I really can’t start on the taxes until I’ve sorted all of my husband’s high school FFA show pig ribbons.
PILATES / EXERCISE. So. Much. Exercise. Could be happening. Every single day. I could put in extra work on my weak (left) side, practice Snake on the Reformer (don’t ask 😃), get ALL the Fitbit steps so it will stop electronically judging me, do all the videos in my queue on Pilates Anytime, work on middle & left splits...
But the new me, the one who reads & watches the news, taking in the rising death counts, body bags, doctors and nurses begging for basic protective gear as the president inexplicably discusses his TV ratings and the dangers of drug cartels (?!?!??) feels I should be using this time to lie on the couch and eat ALL THE BROWNIES.
And cookies.
And cake.
While watching Netflix & chatting on the phone like I’m 14 again and have a rotary phone glued to my ear.
So far, I’ve been doing both. I’ve had productive days of exercising, being positive, & getting so much done—“Look at me, being a good productive citizen!”—and generally feeling like a bad-a^^.
And I’ve had sad days where I ate a box of chocolate chip cookies & stayed under a blanket on the couch in despair—“I’m weak, why can’t I just be grateful for today?”
I (try to) tell myself that just like with eating and/or exercising, it’s okay to get off track & have “bad” or “sad” days sometimes, as long as the good days outnumber them.
And if they do, then I’ll have spent this social distance time wisely.